




















2010-2014, 中国矿业大学, 化工学院化工系,工学学士

2014-2017, 中国矿业大学, 化工学院化工系,工学硕士

2017-2021, 日本九州大学, 総合理工学府,工学博士






2020.10-2021.03 日本九州大学先导物质化学研究所  研究技术员

2021.10-至今, 威客电竞 重质油全国重点实验室,特任副教授






[1] 生物质组分绿色分离与高值化利用(生物质水热处理、碱性氧化处理、木质素解聚等)

[2] 生物质催化热转化定向制备化学品(生物质快速热解、催化快速热解制轻质芳烃等)

[3] 双功能多级孔催化剂开发(金属负载型催化剂,分子筛修饰等)

[4] 固废资源化利用(生活垃圾热解气化、废塑料资源化利用等)






[1] 自主创新科研计划项目,木质纤维生物质组分梯级分离过程与调控机制研究,2022.042024.10,主持;

[2] 国家重点研发计划_子课题,快速热解法制备腐殖酸工艺优化与材料创制,2022.112025.12,参与;

[3] 企业横向项目,新疆哈密褐煤下行床快速热解评价分析,2022.082023.08,参与;

[4] 企业横向项目,清晰切割技术改造项目,2022.082024.08,参与;

[5] 自主创新科研计划项目(理工科),原油分级定向脱氢裂解制化学品成套技术研发,2023.032024.12,参与;

[6] 自主创新科研计划项目(理工科),科左后旗中度沙化盐碱地改良研究与示范,2023.102024.09,参与;

[7] 企业横向项目,中间馏分碱催化脱氢裂解多产乙烯技术开发,2023.092023.11,参与;

[8] 企业横向项目,复合提升管分级热解气化技术应用项目,2023.122024.12,参与;








[1]J.X. Wang, J.P. Cao, X.Y. Zhao, et al.   Enhancement of light aromatics from catalytic fast pyrolysis of cellulose   over bifunctional hierarchical HZSM-5 modified by hydrogen fluoride and   nickel/hydrogen fluoride. Bioresource Technology, 278 (2019) 116-123. (JCR一区, IF=11.889ESI高被引论文)

[2]J.X. Wang, J.P. Cao, X.Y. Zhao, et al. In situ   upgrading of cellulose pyrolysis volatiles using hydrofluorinated and   platinumloaded HZSM-5 for high selectivity production of light aromatics.   Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58 (2019) 22193-22201. (JCR二区, IF=4.326封面论文)

[3]J.X. Wang, J.P. Cao, X.Y. Zhao, et al.   Comprehensive research of in situ upgrading of sawdust fast pyrolysis vapors   over HZSM-5 catalyst for producing renewable light aromatics. Journal of the Energy   Institute, 93 (2020) 15-24. (JCR二区, IF=6.470)

[4]J.X. Wang, J.P. Cao, X.Y. Zhao, et al. Study on   pine sawdust pyrolysis behavior by fast pyrolysis under inert and reductive   atmospheres. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 125 (2017) 279-288.   (JCR一区, IF=6.437)

[5]J.X. Wang, J.i. Hayashi, S. Asano, S. Kudo.   Analysis of primary reactions in biomass oxidation with O2 in hot compressed   alkaline water. ACS Omega 6 (2021), 4236–4246. (JCR二区, IF=4.132)

[6]J.X. Wang, S. Asano, S. Kudo, J.i. Hayashi.   Deep delignification of woody biomass by repeated mild alkaline treatments   with pressurized O2. ACS Omega 5 (2020), 29168-29176. (JCR二区, IF=4.132)

[7] X. Huang,   T.L. Liu, J.X. Wang, et al.   Selective hydrogenation of levoglucosenone over Pd/C using formic acid as a   hydrogen source. Journal of the Energy Institute, 93 (2020) 2505-2510. (JCR二区, IF=6.470)

[8] X. Huang,   J.P. Cao, X.Y. Zhao, J.X. Wang, et   al. Pyrolysis kinetics of soybean straw using thermogravimetric analysis.   Fuel, 169 (2016) 93-98. (JCR一区, IF=8.035, ESI高被引论文)

[9] T.L. Liu,   J.P. Cao, X.Y. Zhao, J.X. Wang, et   al. In situ upgrading of Shengli lignite pyrolysis vapors over metal-loaded   HZSM-5 catalyst. Fuel Processing Technology, 160 (2017) 19-26. (JCR一区, IF=8.129, ESI高被引论文)

[10] S.N. Liu,   J.P. Cao, X.Y. Zhao, J.X. Wang, et   al. Effect of zeolite structure on light aromatics formation during upgrading   of cellulose fast pyrolysis vapor. Journal of the Energy Institute, 92 (2019)   1567-1576. (JCR二区, IF=6.470)

[11] F. Wei,   J.P. Cao, X.Y. Zhao, J. Ren, J.X. Wang,   et al. Nitrogen evolution during fast pyrolysis of sewage sludge under inert   and reductive atmospheres. Energy & Fuels, 31 (2017) 7191-7196. (JCR二区, IF=4.654)

[12] X.B.   Feng, J.P. Cao, X.Y. Zhao, C. Song, T.L. Liu, J.X. Wang, et al. Organic oxygen transformation during pyrolysis   of Baiyinhua lignite. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 117 (2016)   106-115. (JCR一区, IF=6.437)

[13] J.P. Cao,   T.L. Liu, J. Ren, X.Y. Zhao, Y. Wu,   J.X. Wang, et al. Preparation and characterization of nickel loaded on   resin char as tar reforming catalyst for biomass gasification. Journal of   analytical and applied pyrolysis, 117 (2016) 106-115. (JCR一区, IF=6.437)

[14] W. Tang,   J.P. Cao, F.L. Yang, X.B. Feng, J. Ren, J.X.   Wang, et al. Highly active and stable HF acid modified HZSM-5 supported   Ni catalysts for steam reforming of toluene and biomass pyrolysis tar. Energy   Conversion and Management, 117 (2016) 106-115. (JCR一区, IF=9.709)

[15] 黄鑫, 曹景沛, 王敬贤, . 污水污泥快速热解过程中氮迁移规律研究. 中国矿业大学学报, 2016, 45(1): 176-181. ( EI )




































【作者:   审核:】