














sunlanyi@163.com; sunlanyi@upc.edu.cn







(1) 1997—2001年,清华大学化工系,化学工程专业,博士学位

(2) 1994—1997年,天津大学化工研究所,化学工程专业,硕士学位

(3) 1990—1994年,石油大学炼制系,石油加工专业,学士学位






(1) 2012.09-至今,威客电竞威客电竞教授

(2) 2005.04-2012.08威客电竞化学工程学院副教授

(3) 2002.01-2004.12荷兰Delft University of Technology博士后






[1] 过程模拟、优化、控制及节能

[2] 分离与反应工艺强化

[3] 分离与反应装备技术开发

[4] 新型溶剂设计与应用






[1] 国家重点研发计划子课题:甲醇制聚甲氧基二甲醚关键技术示范,2018-2021 

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:低转变温度混合物(LTTMs)应用于萃取精馏过程的基础研究,2017-2020

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:自热回收精馏过程的优化与控制研究,2015-2018

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:隔壁塔与反应精馏耦合过程的设计与优化研究,2013-2016

[5] 山东省重点研发计划项目:面向焦化石脑油中烯烃和烷烃分离的绿色溶剂设计与实验研究,2019-2020

[6] 山东省重点研发计划项目:碳酸二乙酯联产碳酸甲乙酯清洁生产技术与装备研究,2015-2016

[7] 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金:催化精馏隔壁塔建模与优化控制研究,2013-2014

[8] 中国石油科技创新基金项目:异丁烷脱氢制异丁烯高效催化剂及反应过程研究,2013-2014

[9] 青岛市科技计划项目:低转变温度混合物(LTTMs)吸收处理VOCs的关键技术开发研究,2019-2020

[10] 青岛市开发区科技项目:高效反应分离一体化反应器制备生物柴油过程的研究,2013-2015

[11] 企业委托项目:地下煤气化数值模拟与工艺模拟技术开发,2019-2020

[12] 企业委托项目:高效渣油加氢反应器分布盘开发,2018-2020

[13] 企业委托项目:连续反应精馏合成碳酸甲乙酯工艺包开发,2016-2017

[14] 企业委托项目:1万吨/年异佛尔酮(丙酮气相缩聚及分离)生产工艺包开发,2016-2017

[15] 企业委托项目:LNG冷能在炼厂中的利用方案研究与软件开发,2014-2016







[1] Liu, J.; Yan, J.; Liu, W.; Kong, J.; Wu, Y.; Li, X.; Sun, L.; Design and multi-objective optimization of reactive-extractive dividing wall column with organic Rankine cycles considering safety, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 287(15): 120512.

[2] Liu, J.; Liu, X.; Li, J.; Ren, J.; Wang, J.; Sun, L.; Design and control of side-stream extractive distillation to separate acetic acid and cyclohexanone from wastewater by varying pressure, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022, 159:1127-1149.

[3] Luo, F.; Liu, X.; Chen, S.; Song, Y.; Yi, X.; Xue, C.; Li, J.; Sun, L.; Comprehensive evaluation of a deep eutectic solvent based CO2 capture process through experiment and simulation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(30): 10250-10265.

[4] Liu, J.; Gao, L.; Ren, J.; Liu, W.; Liu, X.; Sun, L.; Dynamic process intensification of dimethyl ether reactive distillation based on output multiplicity, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(45): 20155-20167.

[5] Ma, S.; Liu, J.; Xu, W.; Sun, F.; Jiang, J.; Sun, L.; Experiment and simulation for CO2 capture using low transition temperature mixtures as solvents, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2020, 103: 103178.

[6] Song, Y.; Chen, S.; Luo, F.; Sun, L.; Absorption of toluene using deep eutectic solvents: quantum chemical calculations and experimental investigation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(52): 22605-22618.

[7] Shang, X.; Ma, S.; Pan, Q.; Li, J.; Sun, Y.; Ji, K.; Sun, L.; Process analysis of extractive distillation for the separation of ethanol-water using deep eutectic solvent as entrainer, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 148: 298-311.

[8] Ma, S.; Shang, X.; Li, L.; Song, Y.; Pan, Q.; Sun, L.; Energy-saving thermally coupled ternary extractive distillation process using ionic liquids as entrainer for separating ethyl acetate-ethanol-water ternary mixture, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 226: 337-349.

[9] Li, J.; Zhang, F.; Pan, Q.; Yang, Y.; Sun, L.; Performance enhancement of reactive dividing wall column based on self-heat recuperation technology, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019.

[10] Pan, Q.; Li, J.; Shang, X.; Ma, S.; Liu, J.; Sun, M.; Sun, L.; Controllability, energy-efficiency and safety comparisons of different control schemes for producing n-butyl acetate in a reactive dividing wall column, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(22): 9675-9689.

[11] Pan, Q.; Shang, X.; Li, J.; Ma, S.; Li, L.; Sun, L.; Energy-efficient separation process and control scheme for extractive distillation of ethanol-water using deep eutectic solvent, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 219: 113-126.

[12] Sun, L.; Luo, F.; Liu, R.; Yang, H.; Huang, L.; Li, J.; Isobaric liquid–liquid equilibrium measurements and thermodynamics modeling for systems: Benzene+ cyclohexane+ DESs at 303.15 and 323.15 K. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2019, 64(3): 1113-1121.

[13] Ma, S.; Shang, X.; Li, L.; Pan, Q.; Xue, C.; Ji, K.; Sun, L.; Optimization and control of CO2 capture using low transition temperature mixtures. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2019, 81: 126-136.

[14] Ma, S.; Shang, X.; Zhu, M.; Li, J.; Sun, L.; Design, optimization and control of extractive distillation for the separation of isopropanol-water using ionic liquids, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 209: 833-850.

[15] Sun, Y.; Fu, D.; Ma, S.; Ma, Z.; Sun, L.; Isobaric vapor–liquid equilibrium data for two binary systems n-hexane+ 1, 2-dimethoxyethane and methylcyclopentane+ 1, 2-dimethoxyethane at 101.3 kPa, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2018, 63(2): 395-401.

[16] Ma, S.; Shang, X.; Li, J.; Li, L.; Sun, Y.; Yang, Y.; Sun, L.; Liquid–liquid extraction of benzene using low transition temperature mixtures: COSMO-SAC predictions and experiments, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2018, 63(12): 4749-4760.

[17] Ma, S.; Li, J.; Li, L.; Shang, X.; Liu, S.; Xue, C.; Sun, L.; Liquid–liquid extraction of benzene and cyclohexane using sulfolane-based low transition temperature mixtures as solvents: Experiments and simulation, Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(7): 8006-8015.

[18] Zhu, M.; Hou, Y.; Yu, N.; Chen, M.; Ma, Z.; Sun, L.; Design and control of a middle-vessel batch distillation for separating DMC–EMC–DEC mixture, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 26(9): 1837-1844.

[19] Wang, J.; Yu, N.; Chen, M.; Cong, L.; Sun, L.; Composition control and temperature inferential control of dividing wall column based on model predictive control and PI strategies, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 26(5): 1087-1101.



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[2] 气液分配器及气液分配盘,201921449004.2

[3] 喷射旋流型气液分配器,201921234142.9

[4] 一种直链烷基苯的生产方法,201810079546.9

[5] 丙酮气相缩合制备异佛尔酮的设备及方法,201710766032.6

[6] 一种生产己二酸二甲酯的设备及方法,201610628645.9

[7] 一种生产己二酸二甲酯的设备及方法,201610634150.7

[8] 一种隔壁塔热泵精馏分离松节油的工艺及装置,201610452203.3

[9] 一种多产轻重芳烃产品的重油催化裂化工艺,201510493527.7 

[10] 一种重油多产芳烃的方法,201510493528.1

[11] 一种异丁烷脱氢制异丁烯用催化剂及其制备方法与应用,201410841652.8 

[12] 一种异丁烷脱氢制异丁烯用催化剂及其制备方法与应用,201410841699.4 

[13] 一种差压热耦合萃取精馏分离甲基环己烷和甲苯的方法,201210051656.7 






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[2] 《换热器工艺设计》第二版,中国石化出版社,2019

[3] 《过程模拟实训—Aspen HYSYS教程》第二版,中国石化出版社,2018

[4] 《化工过程模拟实训Aspen Plus教程》第二版,化学工业出版社,2017

[5] 《过程模拟实训Pro/Ⅱ教程》,中国石化出版社,2017






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[2] 威客电竞低碳能源化工创新团队(创新团队项目),青岛市科技进步一等奖,2018

[3] 高效高通量高操作弹性的立体复合塔板及其配套塔内件研制与应用,山东省科技进步一等奖,2012


































Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Separation and Purification Technology, Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology, 《化工学报》等期刊审稿人

【作者:   审核:】