| ||||||
姓 名: | 王永强 | |||||
职 称: | 副教授 | |||||
导师类别: | 博士生导师、硕士生导师 | |||||
系 室: | 环境与安全工程系 | |||||
研究领域: | 环境科学与工程 | |||||
电子邮箱: | wangyq@upc.edu.cn | |||||
联系电话: | 0532-86984668 | |||||
◎教育背景 | ||||||
1997-2001,青岛农业大学,工学学士 2001-2004,辽宁石油化工大学,工学硕士 2004-2006,哈尔滨工业大学,工学博士 | ||||||
◎工作经历 | ||||||
2007-2009,威客电竞环境工程系,讲师 2015-2016,辛辛那提大学工程与应用科学学院,CSC访问学者 2010-至今,威客电竞环境与安全工程系,副教授 | ||||||
◎研究方向 | ||||||
[1] 环境催化与环境功能材料 [2] 三废治理与资源化 [3] 节能减排新技术 | ||||||
◎科研项目 | ||||||
承担国家科技重大专项、山东省重点研发计划、山东省自然科学基金以及企事业单位横向课题20余项。 [1] 返排液有机物催化氧化技术研究,国家重大专项 [2] 化工园区绿色安全发展及智慧化建设关键技术研究与应用,山东省重点研发计划 [3] 3DOM-ABO3/CH制备及催化燃烧VOCs的基础研究,山东省自然科学基金 [4] 钙钛矿催化剂催化燃烧VOCs载体效应的基础研究,山东省自然科学基金 [5] 第二次全国污染源普查煤炭开采等36个工业行业产排污量核算方法与指南编制项目,生态环境部 [6] 常温常压空气氧化脱硫技术研究,中石化石油勘探院 [7] 单拉井场储罐、敞开液面污油池VOCs排放模拟试验及排放系数研究,中石化胜利油田分公司 [8] 3DOM钙钛矿催化剂催化燃烧VOCs的研究,中央高校专项业务基金 [9] 稀土改性催化剂低温催化氧化VOCs的研究,中央高校专项业务基金 [10] 炼油企业恶臭气体处理工业化成套技术开发与现场应用试验,中石油天然气集团公司 [11] 中化泉州100万吨/年乙烯及炼油改扩建项目节能评估,中化泉州石化公司 [12] 青岛炼化100万吨/年乙烯项目节能评估,中石化青岛炼化 [13] 钛基自再生可见光催化剂的制备与光催化机理研究,重质油国家重点实验室开放基金 | ||||||
◎代表性论文及专利 | ||||||
1.代表性论文(以第一作者或者通讯作者发表科研论文100余篇) [1]Constructing binuclear sites to modulate the charge distribution of MIL-101 for enhanced toluene adsorption performance: experimental and theoretical studies. Separation and Purification Technology 354 (2025) 129400 [2] Oxygen-deficient layered ε-MnO2 nanosheets derived from acid-etched La3Mn2O7 for robust adsorption-catalytic oxidation of toluene. Separation and Purification Technology 354 (2025) 128909 [3] Crystalline Oxygen-Modified Carbon Nitride Photocatalyst with Enhanced Internal Electric Field and Strong Resistance to Ionic Interference for Robust Seawater Splitting. ACS Catal. 2024, 14, 13768−13780 [4] Acid-activated α-MnO2 for photothermal co-catalytic oxidative degradation of propane: Activity and reaction mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials 478 (2024) 135447 [5] Optimized preparation of La3Mn2O7 with superior lattice oxygen mobility and adsorbed oxygen utilization for catalytic removal of toluene. Applied Surface Science 670 (2024) 160667 [6] Preparation of formic acid-modified zirconium based metal organic frameworks for toluene absorption. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 334 (2024) 124698 [7] Engineering porosity of MIL-101(Cr) using solvation effect. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 12 (2024) 112753 [8] Returnable MoS2@carbon nitride nanotube composite hollow spheres drive photo-self-Fenton-PMS system for synergistic catalytic and photocatalytic tetracycline degradation. Chemical Engineering Journal 478 (2023) 147344 [9] Rejoint of Carbon Nitride Fragments into Multi-Interfacial Order-Disorder Homojunction for Robust Photo-Driven Generation of H2O2. Adv. Mater. 2023, 2307490 [10] Unveiling the dual charge modulation of built-in electric field in metal-free photocatalysts for efficient photo-Fenton-like reaction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 341 (2024) 123307 [11] Effect of acid/alkali treatment on the structure and catalytic performance of 3DOM CeCo0.7Mn0.3O3 catalyst. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:101358–101365 [12] Unification of hot spots and catalytic sites on isolated boron centers in porous carbon nitride nanosheets for efficient photocatalytic oxygen evolution. Nano Energy 116 (2023) 108800 [13] Non-methane hydrocarbon characteristics and their ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation potentials and sources in the plate and logistics capital of China. Atmospheric Pollution Research 14 (2023) 101873 [14] Effect of B‑Site Element on the Structure and Catalytic Performance for Toluene of the 3DOM CeBO3 Catalyst. Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 6352−6360 [15] Enhanced electron density of the π-conjugated structure and in-plane charge transport to boost photocatalytic H2 evolution of g-C3N4. Science China Materials,66(2023)2274 [16] Preparation and activity study of monolithic three-dimensional ordered macroporous La0.7Ce0.3CoO3 with different loading methods. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 650 (2022) 129509 [17] Visible-light-responsive Cl/S co-doped carbon nitride nanotubes for photocatalytic denitrification: A new reaction pathway dominated by photo-electrons. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 305 (2022) 121018 [18]Stable Metal-Organic Frameworks based mixed tetramethylammonium hydroxide for toluene adsorption. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 306 (2022) 122732 [19]Effect of calcination process on performance of 3DOM CeMnO3 catalysts. Journal of Rare Earths 39 (2021) 1073-1081 [20]Effect of A-site element on the performance of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous manganese-based perovskite catalyst. J. Saudi Chem. Soc., 2020,24:417-424 [21] A review of recent advances in catalytic combustion of VOCs on perovskite-type catalysts. J. Saudi Chem. Soc., 2019,23:645-654 [22] Facile Two-Step Synthesis of Porous Carbon Nitride with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity Using a Soft Template. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 3866−3874 [23] Low temperature catalytic combustion of toluene over three-dimensionally ordered La0.8Ce0.2MnO3/ cordierite catalysts. Applied Surface Science 483 (2019) 355–362 [24] Hydroxylated carbon nanotube/carbon nitride nanobelt composites with enhanced photooxidation and H2 evolution efficiency. Carbon 150 (2019) 340-348 [25] Ceramic-monolith-supported La0.8Ce0.2MnO3catalysts for toluene oxidation. Materials Letters 253 (2019) 196–200 [26] Study on preparation and toluene removal of BiOI/Bi2WO6/ACF photocatalyst. Applied Surface Science 488 (2019) 161–169 [27] Construction of Schottky-type Ag-loaded fiber-like carbon nitride photocatalysts for tetracycline elimination and hydrogen evolution. Applied Surface Science 485 (2019) 70–80 [28] In suit synthesis of Fe3O4 on carbon fiber paper@polyaniline substrate as novel self-supported electrode for heterogeneous electro-Fenton oxidation. Electrochimica Acta 308 (2019) 54-63 [29] Effects of Ce in the catalytic combustion of toluene on CuxCe1-xFe2O4. Colloids and Surfaces A 540 (2018) 90–97 [30] Catalytic combustion of toluene with La0.8Ce0.2MnO3 supported on CeO2 with different morphologies. Chemical Engineering Journal 300 (2016) 300–305 2.专利 [1] 一种碘氧化铋-钒酸铋异质结光催化剂及其制备方法 [2] 固定床式VOCs催化燃烧装置 [3] 纳米锌复合抗菌材料的制备方法及应用 [4] 一种用于循环水系统的生物酶缓蚀剂及其使用方法 [5] 新型有机废气吸附-脱附处理装置 [6] 一种固定化双酶用作循环冷却水系统缓蚀剂的制备方法 [7] 有序改性介孔碳材料的制备方法 [8] 一种合成四-2,3-(5-叔丁基吡嗪)金属卟啉的方法 [9] 氧化石墨烯-氯化壳聚糖复合抗菌材料的制备方法及应用 [10] 磁性复合抗菌材料及其制备方法 | ||||||
◎获奖情况及荣誉称号 | ||||||
[1] 石化工业排污许可管理技术体系构建与应用,环境保护科学技术奖,二等奖 [2] 稀土改性钙钛矿型催化剂在挥发性有机物低温燃烧中的应用,中国石油和化学工业联合会,科技进步奖,三等奖 [3] 石化行业循环冷却水高效处理及循环利用技术,中国石油和化学工业联合会,科技进步奖,二等奖 [4] 循环冷却水系统生物粘泥生长特性与控制技术,山东省人民政府,科技进步奖,三等奖 [5] 石化废水减污降碳及循环利用技术与应用,中国商业联合会科学技术奖,科技进步奖,一等奖 [6] 威客电竞青年教师讲课比赛,三等奖 [7] 威客电竞化学工程学院优秀教师 [8] 山东省老员工科技节优秀科技创新导师 [9] 山东省环境学院(系、所)“六五”世界环境日科普宣传联动活动优秀指导教师 [10] 威客电竞“优秀班主任” [11] 威客电竞“老员工课外科技活动优秀指导教师” [12] 威客电竞“优秀硕士论文”、“优秀本科毕业论文”指导教师 | ||||||
◎执教课程 | ||||||
本科生:《环境化学》《生物化学基础》《环境工程学》《污水处理构筑物设计与计算》《水污染控制工程实验》《工程概论》等 研究生:《环境功能材料》《节能减排新技术》 | ||||||
◎招收及指导研究生情况 | ||||||
1.指导研究生情况 指导博士研究生5名,学术研究生28名,专业硕士研究生20名,毕业研究生38名。 2.典型员工: 2014届毕业生肖丽在大港油田工作; 2015届毕业生臧萌在山东科技大学工作; 2016届毕业生刘思瑶在壳牌公司工作; 2017届毕业生薛锐中车青岛四方机车公司工作; 2018届毕业生刘敏敏在南京水务工作。 3.招生专业及要求 环境化工(学博)、环境科学与工程(学硕)、环境工程(专硕) 欢迎热爱科研、诚实守信、脚踏实地,具有独立分析问题和解决问题能力的同学加入课题组。 | ||||||
◎学术兼职 | ||||||
[1] 国家发改委节能评估中心专家 [2] 生态环境部环评中心专家 [3] 山东省环境影响评价和危险废物评审专家、山东省生态学会理事 [4] 青岛市节能降碳专家 [5] 注册咨询工程师(投资)、能源管理师 [6] 《Applied Catalysis B: Environmental》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Applied Surface Science》、《环境工程学报》、《化工环保》等国内外期刊审稿专家。 | ||||||