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姓 名: | 郭爱军 |
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职 称: | 教授 | ||||
导师类别: | 博导、硕导 | ||||
系 室: | 应用化学系/重质油国家重点实验室 | ||||
研究领域: | 能源化工 | ||||
电子邮箱: | ajguo@upc.edu.cn | ||||
联系电话: | 0532-86980607,15154290256 | ||||
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◎教育背景 | |||||
1991-1995, 石油大学(华东)炼制系,理学学士 1997-2000, 石油大学(华东)炼制系,工学硕士 2003-2009, 威客电竞重质油国家重点实验室,博士研究生 2014-2014, 加拿大Calgary大学石油和化学工程系,访问学者 | |||||
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◎工作经历 | |||||
1995-2000, 石油大学(华东)炼制系,助教 2000-2005, 石油大学(华东)威客电竞应用化学系,讲师 2005-2014, 威客电竞应用化学系,副教授 2014-今, 威客电竞,教授 | |||||
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◎研究方向 | |||||
[1] 劣质油低碳绿色改质新技术 [2] 创新重油热转化和催化转化 [3] 重油基碳材料合成和高质利用,比如催化油浆和乙烯重油等二次渣油的改质、脱固、聚合和材料性能 [4] 新能源研究,包括氢的制备、储存和利用 | |||||
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◎科研项目 | |||||
² 国家自然科学基金面上项目:催化油浆在自分散型纳米团簇量子点催化剂存在下缓和加氢稳定化反应耦合蒸馏脱固研究 ² 山东省重点研发计划:催化油浆浆态床缓和加氢稳定协同蒸馏的高效脱固技术研究与开发 ² 山东省重大创新工程:超高功率电极用低CTE值针状石油焦制备关键技术开发与产业化 ² 山东省自然科学基金委博士基金项目:稠环芳烃对CO水热变换新生氢的富存作用机制及协同调控稠油改质研究 ² 重质油国家重点实验室自主研发课题:深度脱除催化油浆固含物和针焦炭材料制备研究 ² 中石油攻关项目:催化油浆脱固及针状焦生产技术开发 ² 企业合作项目:催化油浆静电脱固技术开发 ² 企业合作项目:超稠油减渣焦化原料生焦趋势的研究 ² 国家自然科学基金项目:协同胶质的溶剂化和氢梭特性研究受热劣质重油的胶体稳定性 ² 中石油攻关项目:油砂沥青延迟焦化实验室小试及中试研究 ² 中石油攻关项目:延迟焦化装置操作状况调研与分析 ² 中石油攻关项目:劣质重油深度切割提高延迟焦化液体产品收率技术研究 ² 中石油攻关项目:加拿大油砂沥青供氢热裂化改质技术研究 ² 山东省自然科学基金项目:重质油加工过程中胶体稳定作用机制研究 ² 中石油攻关项目:劣质渣油起泡机制与抑泡技术 ² 中央高校基础研究资助项目:催化油浆与焦化蜡油共炭化研究 ² 超重油降粘技术和高凝油降凝技术研究中石油攻关项目: ² 中石油攻关项目:委内瑞拉超重油焦化工业试验(2011年10-11月在辽河石化公司圆满完成了工业试验运行) ² 中石油攻关项目:克拉玛依超稠油减粘和焦化工业试验 ² 中石油攻关项目:委内瑞拉超重油减粘基础研究(供氢热裂化) ² 中石油攻关项目:劣质重油热反应性能及流动传热模拟研究 ² 中石油攻关项目:HRDC供氢焦化 ² 中石油攻关项:大庆石化拓宽焦化原料配伍性研究 ² 中石油攻关项目:提高焦化液收改善产品分布新技术及工业化研究 ² 中石油攻关项目:超重油延迟焦化与调和方案研究 ² 中石油攻关项目:防止超稠油延迟焦化弹丸焦生成及提高液收研究 ² 中化攻关项目:哥伦比亚Capella重油改质研究与开发 ² 国际石油公司合作项目:利用现有炼油装置加工生物质 | |||||
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◎代表性论文及专利 | |||||
1.论文 ² He Liu, Shouhui Jiao, Wenchao Liu, Bernard Wiafe Biney, Feng Wang, Kun Chen, Aijun Guo, Zongxian Wang. Effects of decompressing carbonization on the preparation of needle coke from FCC decant oil. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022, 162, 105454. ² Weining Li, Kun Chen, Bernard Wiafe Biney, Aijun Guo, He Liu, Dong Liu. Hydrophobic and dispersible Cu(I) desulfurization adsorbent prepared from Pistia stratiotes for efficient desulfurization. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 819, 153056. ² Weining Li, Kun Chen, Bernard Wiafe Biney, Zhuo Li, Aijun Guo, He Liu, Dong Liu. Preparation of desulfurization adsorbents with highly dispersed metal active sites by enriching Ni from water with Pistia Stratiotes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 333, 130068. ² Shouhui Jiao, Zeliang Li, Jingxin Hu, Bernard Wiafe Biney, Feng Wang, He Liu, Kun Chen, Aijun Guo, Lanyi Sun, Zongxian Wang. Mild hydrogenation pretreatment of FCC slurry oil for high-value-added utilization: Exploitable high-boiling components and carbonization discrepancy. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022, 161, 105411. ² Chengyu Sun, Kun Chen, Bernard Wiafe Biney, Kunyin Wang, He Liu, Aijun Guo, Wei Xia. Switchable wettability of grain-stacked filter layers from polyurethane plastic waste for oil/water separation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 610, 970-981. ² Shouhui Jiao, Feng Wang, Lili Wang, Bernard Wiafe Biney, He Liu, Kun Chen, Aijun Guo, Lanyi Sun, Zongxian Wang. Systematic identification and distribution analysis of olefins in FCC slurry oil. Energy, 2022, 239, Part A, 121959. ² Feng Wang, Shouhui Jiao, Wenchao Liu, Bernard Wiafe Biney, Aijun Guo, Kun Chen, He Liu, Dong Liu, Daohong Xia, Zongxian Wang. Preparation of mesophase carbon microbeads from fluidized catalytic cracking residue oil: The effect of active structures on their coalescence. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2021, 156, 105166. ² Zhuo Li, Kun Chen, Zhou Chen, Weining Li, Bernard Wiafe Biney, Aijun Guo, Dong Liu. Removal of malachite green dye from aqueous solution by adsorbents derived from polyurethane plastic waste. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021, 9(1), 104704. ² Shouhui Jiao, Aijun Guo, Feng Wang, Yangyang Yu, Bernard Wiafe Biney, He Liu, Kun Chen, Dong Liu, Zongxian Wang, Lanyi Sun. Sequential pretreatments of an FCC slurry oil sample for preparation of feedstocks for high-value solid carbon materials. Fuel, 2021, 285, 119169. ² Aijun Guo, Feng Wang, Shouhui Jiao, Ummul-Khairi Ibrahim, Dong Liu, He Liu, Kun Chen, Zongxian Wang. Preparation of mesocarbon microbeads as anode material for lithium-ion battery by thermal polymerization of a distillate fraction from an FCC slurry oil after hydrofining with suspended catalyst. Fuel, 2020, 276: 118037. ² Shouhui Jiao, Aijun Guo, Feng Wang, Kun Chen, He Liu, Ummul-Khairi Ibrahim, Zongxian Wang, Lanyi Sun. Effects of olefins on mesophase pitch prepared from fluidized catalytic cracking decant oil. Fuel, 2020, 262: 116671. ² Aijun Guo, Feng Wang, Shouhui Jiao, Ummul-Khairi Ibrahim, He Liu, Kun Chen, Zongxian Wang. Mesophase pitch production from FCC slurry oil: Optimizing compositions and properties of the carbonization feedstock by slurry-bed hydrotreating coupled with distillation. Fuel, 2020, 262: 116639. ² 郭爱军, 靳正正, 龚黎明, 刘贺, 陈坤, 沐宝泉, 王宗贤. 助剂辅助催化裂化油浆离心-静电组合脱固工艺. 化工进展, 2019, 38(7): 3126-3135. ² Kun Chen, Haoran Zhang, Ummul-Khairi Ibrahim, WangyangXue, HeLiu, Aijun Guo. The quantitative assessment of coke morphology based on the Raman spectroscopic characterization of serial petroleum cokes. Fuel, 2019, 246: 60-68. ² 郭爱军, 潘会会, 郑文林, 焦守辉, 王峰, 靳正正, 刘贺, 陈坤, 王宗贤. 分散型纳米二硫化钼的制备及其对模拟油浆的加氢处理催化性能. 燃料化学学报, 2019, 47(5): 629-640. ² Kun Chen, Di Zhang, Yang Dai, He Liu, Zongxian Wang, Ummul-Khairi Ibrahim, Aijun Guo. Chemical and structural characterization of problematic suspended particles enriched from fluidized catalytic cracking slurry oil. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 143: 36-46. ² Qiang Chen, Lei Guo, Aijun Guo, Zongxian Wang. Influence of coker-derived liquids on coking performance of Venezuelan heavy oil residue. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2019, 37(1): 50-55. ² Cunhui Lin, Juncai Sang, Shuoyi Chen, Jingqi Wang, Zongxian Wang, He Liu, Kun Chen, Aijun Guo. Thermal treatment of FCC slurry oil under hydrogen: Correlation of hydrogen transfer ability with carbonization performance of the fractions. Fuel, 2018, 233: 805-815. ² Hua He, Shan Li, Xinjian Shi, Xiaojuan Wang, Xu Liu, Qian Wang, Aijun Guo, Baosheng Ge, Naseer Ullah Khan, Fang Huang. Quantitative nanoscopy of small blinking graphene nanocarriers in drug delivery. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2018, 29(11): 3658-3666. ² Cunhui Lin, Jingqi Wang, Shuoyi Chen, Zongxian Wang, He Liu, Kun Chen, Aijun Guo. Thermal treatment of fluid catalytic cracking slurry oil: Determination of the thermal stability and its correlation with the quality of derived cokes. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2018, 135: 406-414. ² Xianni Song, Dong Liu, Bin Lou, Zhiheng Li, Aijun Guo, Dongming Zhang, Luhai Wang. Removal of catalyst particles from fluid catalytic cracking slurry oil by the simultaneous addition of a flocculants and a weighting agent. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 132: 686-696. ² Kun Chen, Haoran Zhang, Dong Liu, He Liu, Aijun Guo, Zongxian Wang. Investigation of the coking behavior of serial petroleum residues derived from deep-vacuum distillation of Venezuela extra-heavy oil in laboratory-scale coking. Fuel, 2018, 219: 159-165. ² 龚旭, 薛鹏, 刘贺, 陈坤, 郭爱军, 王宗贤. 供氢剂辅助重油热改质技术研究进展. 化工进展, 2018, 37(4): 1374-1380. ² 郭爱军, 郑文林, 焦守辉, 陈坤, 刘贺, 王宗贤, 王子豪. 催化裂化油浆中烯烃分布研究. 燃料化学学报, 2018, 46(4): 413-418. ² He Liu, Zhaoxian Liu, Aijun Guo, Kun Chen, Shengnan Sun, Zongxian Wang. Peptizing effect of the native heavy resin fraction on asphaltenes. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(3): 3380-3390. ² 刘贺, 王宗贤, 赵翔鵾, 李玉星, 陈坤, 郭爱军. 加拿大油砂沥青减压渣油在CO/H2-H2O作用下的热改质特性研究. 燃料化学学报, 2018, 46(1): 45-53. ² Cunhui Lin, Jingqi Wang, Zongxian Wang, He Liu, Kun Chen, Aijun Guo, Tianping Xia. Flocculation of particulates in fluid catalytic cracking slurry oil: Characterization of the particulates and the effect of thermal treatment on their flocculation. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(12): 13282-13290. ² 郭爱军, 龚黎明, 赵娜, 陈坤, 刘贺, 王宗贤, 黄金菊, 孙梦, 袁俊聪. 添加剂改性对FCC油浆静电分离的影响. 化工进展, 2017, 36(9): 3266-3272. ² 赵欣, 王宗贤, 柳文, 陈坤, 郭爱军. HRDC烃循环技术在延迟焦化装置的工业应用. 炼油技术与工程, 2017, 47(4): 19-23. ² 焦守辉, 林祥钦, 郭爱军, 陈坤, 王宗贤, 佟佳俊, 耿羽轩, 李若萌, 刘晴昊. 劣质渣油性质对受热生焦趋势影响的研究. 燃料化学学报, 2017, 45(2): 165-171(英文版由爱思唯尔通过 ScienceDirect 在全球出版发行). ² Peng Xue, Shiguang Fan, Xuebing Wang, Kun Chen, He Liu, Wei Xia, Aijun Guo, Zongxian Wang. Characterization of petroleum residues with varying cutting depth and corresponding vacuum distillates derived from laboratory deep-vacuum fractionation of unconventional heavy oil for an instructive utilization guideline. Energy Fuels, 2017, 31(2): 1259-1268. ² He Liu, Shiguang Fan, Zongxian Wang, Kun Chen, Aijun Guo. Temperature and pressure effects on the catalytic performance of metalloporphyrins during hydrogenation of naphthalene. ChemistrySelect, 2017, 2(4): 1613-1619. ² 林存辉, 陈坤, 郭爱军, 王宗贤. 催化裂化油浆固含量测定方法的研究. 化工进展, 2016, 35(9): 2699-2706. ² Aijun Guo, Chongchong Wu, Peng He, Yingqi Luan, Lulu Zhao, Wenpo Shan, Wei Cheng, Hua Song. Low-temperature and low-pressure non-oxidative activation of methane for upgrading heavy oil. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2016, 6 (4), 1201-1213. ² He Liu, Jun Mu, Zongxian Wang, Aijun Guo, Kun Chen. Transformation of petroporphyrins-enriched subfractions from atmospheric residue during noncatalytic thermal process under hydrogen by positive-ion electrospray ionization FT-ICR mass spectrometry. Energy Fuels, 2016, 30(3): 1997–2004. ² 刘朝仙, 郭爱军, 陈坤, 王宗贤, 储浚, 陈建涛. 热改质过程中渣油结构及其重组分溶剂化变化规律研究. 燃料化学学报, 2016, 44(3): 366-374. ² 赵娜, 于传瑞, 赵波, 陈坤, 郭爱军, 王宗贤. 静电分离催化裂化油浆中固体颗粒及其组成的研究. 石油化工, 2015, 44(10): 1218-1223. ² 于传瑞, 赵娜, 郭爱军, 王宗贤. 煤焦油中脱除喹啉不溶物技术的研究进展. 化工进展, 2015, 34(9): 3262-3266. ² He Liu, Jun Mu, Zongxian Wang, Shunfeng Ji, Quan Shi, Aijun Guo, Kun Chen, Jincheng Lu. Characterization of vanadyl and nickel porphyrins enriched from heavy residues by positive-ion electrospray ionization FT-ICR mass spectrometry. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(8): 4803-4813. ² He Liu, Shunfeng Ji, Zongxian Wang, Aijun Guo, Kun Chen. The catalytic performance of metalloporphyrins during hydrogenation of anthracene. Energy Technology, 2015, 3(2): 145-154. ² Zongxian Wang, Peng Xue, Kun Chen, Aijun Guo, Cunhui Lin, Dehui Kong, Zhengda Song, and Yawen Bo. Correlation of temperature-programmed oxidation with microscopy for quantitative morphological characterization of thermal cokes produced from pilot and commercial delayed cokers. Energy Fuels, 2015, 29 (2), 659–665. ² Aijun Guo, Zhongxun Wei, Bo Zhao, Kun Chen, Dong Liu, Zongxian Wang, Hua Song. Separation of toluene-insoluble solids in the slurry oil from a residual fluidized catalytic cracking unit: Determination of the solid content and sequential selective separation of solid components. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28 (5), 3053–3065. ² Aijun Guo, Ying Zhou, Kun Chen, Zhenxi Xue, Zongxian Wang, Hua Song. Co-processing of vacuum residue/fraction oil blends: Effect of fraction oils recycle on the stability of coking feedstock. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2014, 109 (1), 109-115. ² Aijun Guo, Yiran Geng, Lili Zhao, Jun Li, Dong Liu, Peng Li. Preparation of cationic polyacrylamide micro-sphere emulsion and its performance for permeability reduction. Petroleum Science, 2014, 11 (3), 408-416. ² Qi Wang, Zongxian Wang, Shicheng Zhuang, Fengxu Li, Lei Guo, Aijun Guo. Thermal upgrading of inferior residue without or with hydrogen donor. Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section), 2014, 30 (3), 439-445. (in Chinese) ² Chen, Q., Gao, Y., Wang, Z.X., Guo, A.J. Application of coker gas oil used as industrial hydrogen donors in visbreaking. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2014, 32 (20), 2506-2511. ² Lei Guo, Qi Wang, Fengxu Li, He Liu, Zongxian Wang, Aijun Guo. Heavy oil hydrogen-donated visbreaking upgrading process. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2014, 33 (A01), 128-132. (in Chinese) ² Aijun Guo, Yanqi Zhang, He Liu, et al. Effect of heavy metals on characteristics of coke formation during thermal conversion of heavy oils. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2013, 41(6): 685-690. (in Chinese) ² Aijun Guo, Xiangqin Lin, Dong Liu, et al. Investigation on shot-coke-forming propensity and controlling of coke morphology during heavy oil coking. Fuel Processing Technology, 2012, 104: 332-342. ² Aijun Guo, Zhiqing Wang, Huijun Zhang, et al. Hydrogen transfer and coking propensity of petroleum residues under thermal processing. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(5): 3093-3100. ² Aijun Guo, Xuejun Zhang, Huijun Zhang, et al. Aromatization of naphthenic ring structures and relationships between feed composition and coke formation during heavy oil carbonization. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(1): 525-532. ² Aijun Guo, Xiangqin Lin, Yuanyuan Wang, et al. Experimental study on shot coke formation in delayed coking process. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2012, 40(8): 958-966. (in Chinese) ² Aijun Guo, Xuejun Zhang, Zongxian Wang. Simulated delayed coking characteristics of petroleum residues and fractions by thermogravimetry. Fuel Processing Technology, 2008, 89(7): 643-650. ² Shunfeng Ji, Zongxian Wang, Aijun Guo, Ying Zhou, and Kun Chen. Determination of Hydrogen Solubility in Heavy Fractions of Crude Oils by a Modified Direct Method. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2013, 58 (12): 3453–3457. ² Dong Liu, Zhongtao Li, Yue Fu, Aijun Guo, Ting Hou, and Kaiyuan Zheng. Nitrogen Compound Conversion and Distribution in Liaohe Atmospheric Residue during Slurry-Bed Hydrocracking. Energy Fuels, 2014, 28 (1): 510–515. ² Kun Chen, He Liu, Zhenxi Xue, Hongyan Li, Aijun Guo, Zongxian Wang. Co-carbonization of petroleum residue asphaltenes with maltene fractions: Influence on the structure and reactivity of resultant cokes. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2013, 102: 131-136. ² Kun Chen, Zongxian Wang, He Liu, Yujiao Ruan, Aijun Guo. Thermodynamic and thermokinetic study on pyrolysis process of heavy oils. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2013, 112(3): 1423-1431. ² Kun Chen, He Liu, Aijun Guo, et al. Study of the thermal performance and interaction of petroleum residue fractions during the coking process. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(10): 6343-6351. ² Kun Chen, Zongxian Wang, He Liu, Aijun Guo. Study on thermal performance of heavy oils by using differential scanning calorimetry. Fuel Processing Technology, 2012, 99: 82-89. ² Qi Wang, Lei Guo, Zongxian Wang, Baoquan Mu, Aijun Guo, He Liu. Hydrogen donor visbreaking of Venezuelan vacuum residue. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2012, 40(11): 1317-1322. ² Qi Wang, Zongxian Wang, Baoquan Mu, Aijun Guo, Kaili Guo. Hydrogen donor visbreaking of Venezuelan atmospheric residue. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2012, 40(10): 1200-1205. (in Chinese) ² Xuejun Zhang, Aijun Guo, Fucun Wang, et al. Directly producing clean and low softening point diesel using integrated hydrotreating and hydroisomerizing catalysts. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(7): 3772-3777. ² Zongxian Wang, Yaping Geng, Aijun Guo, et al. Experimental study on the effect of fractions circulation on the coking of furnace tube in delayed coking unit. Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals, 2010, 41(9): 65-69. (in Chinese)
2.专利 ² 郭爱军, 靳正正, 焦守辉, 王峰, 王丽丽, 潘会会, 刘文超, 杨政, 乌穆·凯丽·依布拉欣, 陈坤, 刘贺, 沐宝泉, 刘东, 王宗贤, 一种利用热处理离心沉降—静电法脱除油浆固体颗粒的方法, 授权专利号ZL201911207347.2 ² 郭爱军, 焦守辉, 刘贺, 陈坤, 沐宝泉, 刘东, 王宗贤, 郑文林, 林存辉, 范士广, 任建利, 一种FCC油浆脱固工艺、设备和应用, 授权专利号ZL201810088777.6 ² 郭爱军, 孙胜男, 刘贺, 陈坤, 沐宝泉, 刘东, 王宗贤, 郑文林, 范士广, 林存辉, 乌穆·凯丽·依布拉欣, 一种自动分离石油组分的抽提装置和方法, 授权专利号ZL201711465060.0 ² 陈坤, 戴杨, 李茁, 夏薇, 吴萍萍, 刘贺, 郭爱军, 刘东, 一种提高乙烯焦油常压热解碳化成碳率的方法及其应用, 授权专利号ZL202010476847.2 ² 刘贺, 王宗贤, 范士广, 林存辉, 赵翔鹍, 龚旭, 刘浩, 郭爱军, 陈坤, 一种稠油水热降黏改质强化方法, ZL201710547946.3 ² 郭爱军, 毕治国, 王宗贤, 谢崇亮, 沐宝泉, 刘东, 孙汉华, 叶虹, 陈坤, 李小娜, 周鸿, 迟志明, 岳昭, 李实, 段斐, 焦化塔内泡沫层的抑制方法, 授权专利号ZL201510311850.8 ² 郭爱军, 赵波, 张艳琦, 魏忠勋, 吉顺风, 陈坤, 沐宝泉, 王宗贤, 一种净化催化裂化油浆的净化设备及净化方法, 授权专利号ZL201310456765.1 ² 郭爱军, 王宗贤, 陈坤, 沐宝泉, 刘东, 杨普江, 王齐, 庄士成, 蔺爱国, 付兴国, 侯经纬, 张艳梅, 刘银东, 一种油品储罐的模拟系统和系统, 授权专利号ZL201210150096.0 ² 王宗贤, 郭爱军, 刘东, 沐宝泉, 张蕾蕾, 付兴国, 于志敏, 侯经纬, 赵广辉, 一种检测重质渣油稳定性的方法, 授权专利号ZL201110231630.6 ² 郭爱军, 王宗贤, 任志惠, 田凌燕, 赵红涛, 联产针状焦和轻质油品的组合工艺, 授权专利号ZL200810017111.8 ² 郭爱军, 王宗贤, 一种延迟焦化工艺改进方法, 授权专利号ZL200810017112.2 ² 郭爱军, 王宗贤, 一种针状焦的制备方法, 授权专利号ZL200810017110.3 | |||||
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◎代表性著作 | |||||
[1] 参与翻译英文专著《未来炼厂》(石油工业出版社 / 2016年4月出版) [2] 参与编写《延迟焦化工艺与工程》(中国石化出版社 / 2018年1月出版) [3] 参与编写《劣质重油加工技术》(石油工业出版社 / 2022年1月出版) | |||||
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◎获奖情况及荣誉称号 | |||||
² 油系中间相沥青与高模量沥青基碳纤维生产成套技术,2021年中国石油和化学工业联合会科技发明二等奖 ² 劣质重油改质、加工成套技术研究开发及工业应用,2017年中国石油天然气集团公司科技进步特等奖 ² 高液收的延迟焦化(HLDC)新技术开发与工业应用,2016年中国石油天然气集团公司科技进步一等奖 ² 劣质重油供氢减粘-深度热解组合工艺,2016年山东省自然科学奖二等奖 ² 石油基环保型橡胶软化功能材料开发与应用,2016年中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步三等奖 ² 劣质重油供氢减粘-深度热裂解组合工艺,2015年青岛市人民政府科技进步一等奖 ² 劣质重油供氢热裂化改质降黏技术开发与工业应用,2013年中国石油天然气集团公司科技进步一等奖 ² 减压渣油供氢减粘—延迟焦化组合工艺,2012年度中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖 ² 石油渣油热转化或加氢转化过程中的生焦与抑焦机制,2003年度山东省自然科学三等奖 ² 提高焦化液收降低焦中硫含量,2005年度威客电竞科学与技术二等奖 ² 2013年度山东省发明创业奖三等奖 ² 2001年度山东省优秀硕士学位论文 ² 校优本科论文指导教师 | |||||
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◎执教课程 | |||||
本科生:《石油化学》《润滑油化学与工艺》 《重质油化学》《专业外语导读》《生产实习》 | |||||
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◎招收及指导研究生情况 | |||||
1.指导研究生情况 指导博士研究生3名,学术研究生32名,专业硕士研究生14名,另协助指导10余名。毕业研究生35名,其中6名到中石化工作,10名到中石油工作,8名到中海油工作,11名升学或到地方企事业单位工作。 2.典型员工: 2010届毕业生陈建涛在北海市北部湾经济区规划建设管理办公室项目管理科担任科长; 2012届毕业生庄士成先后任山东高速物资集团总公司项目管理部设计管理处处长、河北正润环境环境科技有限公司(原河北省环科院)山东分公司副总工程师; 2014届毕业生赵波在鲁泰控股集团担任储备干部; 2018届毕业生焦守辉攻读本校化学工程与技术专业博士研究生。 3.招生专业及要求 博士研究生:化学工程与技术(学术学位)、化学工程(专业学位) 硕士研究生:化学工程与技术(学术学位)、材料与化工(专业学位) 要求:敏思,好学,勤奋,自律 欢迎感兴趣的同学报考研究生,请直接邮件联系! | |||||
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◎学术兼职 | |||||
[1]Processes期刊的特刊Heavy Oil Chemistry and Processing Technology,客座主编 [2]American Journal of Applied Chemistry,期刊编委(2018~2021) [3]《Energy&Fuels》、《Fuel Processing Technology》、《Fuel》、《Ceramics International》、《Petroleum Science》、《RSC Advances》、《Analytical Chemistry》、《Applied Petrochemical Research》、《Separation and Purification Technology》、《燃料化学学报》、《中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)》等学术刊物的审稿人 [4]教育部及多个省市科技评审专家 | |||||