















2010-2014, 华东师范大学化学与分子工程学院,理学学士

2014-2019, 华东师范大学化学与分子工程学院,理学博士


2019-2021, 威客电竞理学院,博士后

2019-2021, 威客电竞理学院,讲师

2021-2023, 威客电竞,特任副教授

2024-至今,  威客电竞,副教授








[1] “叔膦-季鏻鎓Lewis双功能配体修饰的Ru定向催化胺与合成气的甲基化反应研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022-202430万元,在研,主持。

[2] 双功能Ir催化剂定向催化伯胺与合成气羰化-加氢串联反应的研究,山东省自然科学基金青年项目,2022-202415万元,在研,主持

[3] 双功能Ru催化胺的甲基化反应研究,自主创新科研计划项目(理工科)青年基金,2021-202418万元,在研,主持

[4] 三功能钌催化剂共催化“氢甲酰化-羟醛缩合-加氢反应,中国博士后科学基金面上项目二等资助,2019-20218万元,结题,主持。

[5] 钌催化剂在氢甲酰化串联反应中的应用,自主创新科研计划项目(理工科),2019-202110万元,结题,主持。


1.论文,以第一/通讯作者身份在J. Am. Chem. Soc.   (3)Green Chem. (2)J. Catal. (2)等期刊共发表SCI论文15篇。

[1] H. Liu, J. Li*, X. Liang, H. Ren, H.   Yin, L. Wang, D. Yang*, D. Wang, Y.   Li*, Encapsulation of Pd single-atom sites in zeolite for highly-efficient   semi-hydrogenation of alkynes, J. Am.   Chem. Soc., 2024, 146, 24033-24041.

[2] H. Liu, L. Tian, Z. Zhang, L. Wang*,   J. Li, X. Liang, J. Zhuang, H. Yin, D.   Yang*, G. Zhao, F. Su, D. Wang, Y. Li*, Atomic-level asymmetric tuning of   the Co1−N3P1 catalyst for highly efficient Nalkylation of amines with alcohols, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, 146, 20518-20529.

[3] H. Liu, P. Zhu, D. Yang*, C. Zhong, J. Li, X. Liang, L. Wang, H. Yin, D. Wang, Y.   Li*, Pd−Mn/NC dual single-atomic sites with hollow mesopores for the highly   efficient semihydrogenation of phenylacetylene, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024,   146, 2132-2140.

[4] D.   Yang, S. Tao, H. Zhu, Z. Wang, W. Gao, J. Yu, M. Wang, G. Sun, J. Li, H.-C.   Chen, B. Liu, Y. Chai, Y. Pan*,   Construction of Rh-N4 single atoms and Rh clusters dual-active   sites for synergistic heterogeneous hydroformylation of olefins with   ultra-high turnover frequency, Chem.   Eng. J., 2024, 479, 147505.

[5] D.   Yang*, C.-K. Zhong, L.-Y. Tian; L.-L. Zhang, H. Liu*, Formic acid as the   H2-carrier and the transfer hydrogenation reagent for Ru-catalyzed   hydroaminomethylation of olefins, J.   Catal., 2023, 428, 115132.

[6] S. Tao‡, D. Yang‡, M. Wang, G. Sun, G. Xiong, W. Gao, Y. Zhang, Y. Pan*, Single-atom   catalysts for hydroformylation of olefins, iScience, 2023, 26, 106183.

[7] H. Liu, Y.-X. Yao, H.-Y. Shang, D. Yang*, Y.-Y. Tian*, Iridium–aluminium   trichloride co-catalysed hydroformylation–acetalization of olefins with H2O   as the hydrogen source, React. Chem.   Eng., 2023, 8, 778.

[8] D.   Yang, G.-Z. Zhou, L.-L. Zhang, H. Liu, Co-catalysis for   hydroamidocarbonylation of alkynes with amides over a bifunctional   ligand-based Pd catalyst, Chem Asian J.,   2021, 16, 1-6.

[9] D.   Yang, L. Zhang, H. Liu, C. Yang, Co-catalysis over bi-functional ligand   based Ir-catalyst for tandem hydroformylation-acetalization reaction, Acta Chim. Sinica, 2021, 79, 658-662.

[10] H. Liu, X. Lin, D. Yang*, Novel Ir-Complexes for hydroformylation   of olefins with H2O as the hydrogen source, Chin. J. Org. Chem., 2021,   41, 3571-3577.

[11] D. Yang, H. Liu, L. Liu, W.-D. Guo, Y. Lu, Y. Liu, Co-catalysis   over a tri-functional ligand modified Pd-catalyst for hydroxycarbonylation of   terminal alkynes towards α,β-unsaturated carboxylic acids, Green Chem., 2019, 21, 5336-5344.

[12] D. Yang, L. Liu, D.-L. Wang, Y. Lu, X.-L. Zhao, Y. Liu, Novel   multi-dentate phosphines for Pd-catalyzed alkoxycarbonylation of alkynes   promoted by H2O additive, J.   Catal., 2019, 371, 236–244.

[13] D. Yang, H. Liu, D.-L. Wang, Z. Luo, Y. Lu, F. Xia, Y. Liu, Co-catalysis   over a bi-functional ligand-based Pd-catalyst for tandem   bis-alkoxycarbonylation of terminal alkynes, Green Chem., 2018, 20, 2588-2595.

[14] D. Yang, H. Liu, D.-L. Wang, Y. Lu, X.-L. Zhao, Y. Liu, Au-complex   containing phosphino and imidazolyl moieties as a bi-functional catalyst for   one-pot synthesis of pyridine derivatives, J. Mol. Catal. A- Chem., 2016,   424, 323–330.

[15] D. Yang, D. Wang, H. Liu, X. Zhao, Y. Lu, S. Lai, Y. Liu,Ionic palladium complex as an   efficient and recyclable catalyst for the carbonylative Sonogashira reaction,   Chin. J. Catal., 2016, 37, 405–411.



[1] 刘晔; 杨妲; 王鹏; 陈霞; 王栋梁; 刘欢; 周清; 梁文玉; 路勇; 一种琥珀酸二酯或琥珀酸二酯衍生物的制备方法, 2021-1-1, 中国, ZL201711178172.8.












【作者:   审核:】