













    zhuxiaolin@upc.edu.cn, upczhuxl@163.com




2005.9-2009.7, 威客电竞, 化学工程与工艺, 工学学士

2009.9-2014.7, 威客电竞, 化学工程与技术, 博士研究生


2014.8-2016.6, 清华大学, 化学工程系, 博士后

2016.7-2016.12, 威客电竞, 化学工程学院, 讲师

2017.1-至今, 威客电竞, 威客电竞, 副教授


[1] 工业催化——低碳烷烃催化转化、甲醇与芳烃烷基化、羟醛缩合等

[2] 石油化工——催化裂解催化剂与工艺、气固循环流态化等


[1] 2022-2025  国家自然科学基金面上项目  甲苯甲醇烷基化与甲醇自转化反应耦合机制及增产烯烃调控措施  主持

[2] 2018-2020  国家自然科学基金青年基金  高硅ZSM-5分子筛烷基化活性位识别及其催化性能调控  主持

[3] 2018-2019  山东省重点研发计划  催化裂化提升管反应器预提升段结构形式优化研究  主持

[4] 2017-2019  山东省自然科学基金  基于高硅ZSM-5分子筛的烷基化催化剂设计及其性能优化  主持

[5] 2014-2016  中国博士后科学基金面上资助  纳米颗粒包覆改善C类粘性颗粒流动性的方法及机制    主持

[6] 2024-2025  校自主创新科研计划  低温高效甲烷氧化偶联制乙烯催化剂设计  主持

[7] 2017-2019  校自主创新科研计划  高硅ZSM-5分子筛用于甲苯甲醇烷基化的优化设计及基础研究  主持

[8] 2017-2020  校人才引进项目  高效甲苯甲基化催化剂设计及其稳定性强化方法  主持

[9] 2022-2024  企业横向课题  重烃催化裂解复活再生催化剂性质测试及中试评价  主持

[10] 2022-2024  企业横向课题  轻烃催化裂解催化剂中试评价及性质分析测试  主持

[11] 2022-2023  企业横向课题  苯乙烯焦油催化裂解性能测试  主持

[12] 2021-2022  中石油科技项目  非贵金属环保型流化床丙烷催化脱氢制丙烯成套技术工业应用试验  参与

[13] 2021-2023  中石油科技项目  石蜡基原油催化裂解制低碳烯烃催化剂中试工艺条件优化研究  参与

[14] 2020-2021  中石油科技项目  原油催化裂解制烯烃工艺技术中试研究  参与

[15] 2019-2020  中石油科技项目  催化裂化-循环油加氢回炼技术研究  参与

[16] 2019-2021  中石油科技项目  富芳组分催化加氢与催化裂化耦合调控研究  参与

[17] 2018-2019  中石油科技项目  催化柴油窄馏分选择性加氢回炼技术研究  参与


近年来,公开发表学术论文   60 余篇,其中SCI收录 50 余篇,H因子 20


[1] Zhu   XL, Guo HF, Li RY, Yan H, Yang MY, Wang MQ, Yin FM, Yang X, Li CY, Yang   CH, Wang GW. Regulating lattice oxygen mobility of FeOx redox   catalyst via W-doping for enhanced chemical looping oxidative dehydrogenation   of ethane. Chemical Engineering   Journal (SCI一区TOP,   IF = 13.3), 2023, 470: 144219.

[2] Li N, Yuan MZ, Cui GJ, Xu JL, Li XY,   Wang GW, Zhu XL*, Li CY*. Selective   peroxidation of isobutane with molecular oxygen over molybdenum oxide   catalyst for direct synthesis of di-tert-butyl peroxide. Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI一区TOP, IF = 13.3), 2023, 467: 143406.

[3] Wang GW, Zhou LH, Liu SZ, Tang N,   Zhu CL, Zhu XL*, Li CY, Yang CH, Shan   HH. Highly active and stable Y2O3 promoted TiO2-ZrO2   catalyst for propane dehydrogenation. Chemical   Engineering Journal (SCI一区TOP, IF = 13.3), 2023, 477: 147047.

[4] Wang GW*, Zhu CL, Zhang S, Zhou LH,   Zhang HL, Zhu XL*, Shan HH. Deactivation   origins and stability-enhancing strategies of Sn/SiO2 catalysts   for ethane dehydrogenation. Molecular   Catalysis (SCI二区,   IF = 3.9), 2023, 535: 112826.

[5] Wang Y, Yang X, Yin FM, Zhang K, Guo   HF, Wang GW, Jiang GY, Li CY, Zhu XL*.   Elucidating the effect of barium halide promoters on La2O3/CaO   catalyst for oxidative coupling of methane. Journal of Energy Chemistry (SCI一区TOP, IF = 14.0), 2022, 73: 49-59.

[6] Zhu   XL*, Wang Y, Wang GW, Hou YF, Yu MX, Yang X, Yin FM. Synergistic   co-conversion of pentane and methanol to aromatics over bifunctional   metal/ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts. Microporous   and Mesoporous Materials (SCI二区TOP, IF = 5.455), 2021, 320: 111107.

[7] Cheng M, Wang Y, Wang WH, Wang GW, Zhu XL*, Li CY. Promoting effect of   copper oxide on CsX zeolite catalyst for side-chain alkylation of toluene   with methanol. Microporous and   Mesoporous Materials (SCI二区TOP, IF = 5.455), 2021, 311: 110732.

[8] Wang Y, Yang X, Hou CX, Yin FM, Wang   GW, Zhu XL*, Jiang GY, Li CY.   Improved catalytic activity and stability of ba substituted SrTiO3 perovskite   for oxidative coupling of methane. ChemCatChem  (SCI二区, IF = 5.686), 2021, 13: 4182-4191.

[9] Zhu   XL*, Wang H, Wang GW, Hou YF, Zhang JY, Li CY, Yang CH. Aromatization of   n-pentane over Zn/ZSM-5 catalysts: effect of Si/Al ratio and reaction   pathway. Journal of Porous Materials   (SCI三区,   IF = 2.496), 2021, 28: 1059-1067.

[10] Wang SS, Cheng M, Zhu XL*, Lin CH, Wang GW, Zhen XP,   Tian LY, Li CY. Effect of swirling gas nozzles on gas-solid flow patterns   inside a novel multi-regime riser. Powder   Technology (SCI二区,   IF = 5.134), 2020, 367: 233-242.

[11] Zhu XL*, Yu MX, Cheng M, Wang Y, Li BQ, Zhang   HN, Wang GW, Li CY*. Conceptual fluid catalytic cracking process with the   additional regenerated catalyst circulation path for gasoline reprocessing   and upgrading with minimum loss. Energy & Fuels (SCI二区TOP, IF = 3.021),   2020, 34: 235-244.

[12] Wang GW, Zhang S, Zhu XL*,   Li CY*. Dehydrogenation versus hydrogenolysis in the reaction of light   alkanes over Ni-based catalysts. Journal of Industrial and   Engineering Chemistry (SCI二区, IF = 4.978), 2020, doi: 10.1002/tcr.201900090.

[13] Zhu XL*, Zhang JY, Cheng M, Wang GW, Yu MX, Li   CY*. Methanol aromatization over Mg-P-modified [Zn,Al]ZSM-5 zeolites for   efficient coproduction of para-xylene and light olefins. Industrial   & Engineering Chemistry Research (SCI二区TOP, IF = 3.375),   2019, 58: 19446-19455.

[14] Zhang JY, Zhu XL*, Zhang SH,   Cheng M, Yu MX, Wang GW, Li CY*. Selective production of para-xylene and   light olefins from methanol over the mesostructured Zn-Mg-P/ZSM-5   catalyst. Catalysis Science & Technology (SCI二区, IF = 5.726), 2019,   9: 316-326.

[15] Liu JW, Wang GW, Zhu XL*, Li   CY*, Shan HH. Temperature-programmed studies of isobutene oxidation over   alpha-Bi2Mo3O12: Active oxygen species and reaction mechanism. Applied   Surface Science (SCI二区, IF = 5.155), 2019, 470: 846-853.

[16] Zhang JY, Zhu XL*, Wang GW,   Wang PZ, Meng Z, Li CY*.The origin of the activity and selectivity of   silicalite-1 zeolite for toluene methylation to para-xylene. Chemical   Engineering Journal (SCI一区TOP, IF = 8.355), 2017, 327: 278-285.

[17] Zhang HN, Zhu XL*, Chen XC,   Miao PP, Yang CC, Li CY*. Fluid catalytic cracking of hydrogenated light   cycle oil for maximum gasoline production: effect of catalyst   composition. Energy & Fuels (SCI二区TOP, IF = 3.021),   2017, 31: 2749-2754.

[18] Zhu XL, Zhang Q*, Huang C, Wang Y, Yang CH,   Wei F. Validation of surface coating with nanoparticles to improve the   flowability of fine cohesive powders. Particuology (SCI三区, IF = 2.616), 2017,   30: 53-61.

[19] Zhu XL, Tang C, Wang HF, Li BQ, Zhang Q*, Li   CY, Yang CH, Wei F. Monolithic-structured ternary hydroxides as freestanding   bifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting. Journal of   Materials Chemistry A (SCI一区TOP, IF = 10.733), 2016, 4: 7245-7250.

[20] Zhu XL, Zhang Q*, Wang Y, Wei F. Review on the   nanoparticle fluidization science and technology. Chinese Journal of   Chemical Engineering (SCI三区, IF = 1.911), 2016, 24: 9-22.

[21] Zhu XL, Tang C, Wang HF, Zhang Q*, Yang CH,   Wei F. Dual-sized NiFe layered double hydroxides in situ grown on   oxygen-decorated self-dispersal nanocarbon as enhanced water oxidation catalysts. Journal   of Materials Chemistry A (SCI一区TOP, IF = 10.733), 2015, 3: 24540-24546.

[22] Zhu XL, Geng Q, Wang GW, Li CY*, Yang CH.   Hydrodynamics and catalytic reaction inside a novel multi-regime riser. Chemical   Engineering Journal (SCI一区TOP, IF = 8.355), 2014, 246: 150-159.

[23] Zhu XL, Li CY*, Yang  CH, Wang GW, Geng   Q, Li T. Gas-solids flow structure and prediction of solids concentration   distribution inside a novel multi-regime riser. Chemical Engineering   Journal (SCI一区TOP,   IF = 8.355), 2013, 232: 290-301.

[24] Zhu XL, Yang CH, Li CY*, Liu YB, Wang L, Li T,   Geng Q. Comparative study of gas-solids flow patterns inside novel   multi-regime riser and conventional riser. Chemical Engineering   Journal (SCI一区TOP,   IF = 8.355), 2013, 215: 188-201.

[25] Zhu XL, Jiang S, Li CY*, Chen XB, Yang CH.   Residue catalytic cracking process for maximum ethylene and propylene   production. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (SCI二区TOP, IF = 3.375),   2013, 52: 14366-14375.

[26] Zhu XL, Wang GW, Geng Q, Li CY*, Yang CH.   Pressure drop and apparent solids concentration inside a novel multi-regime   riser. Advanced Materials Research (EI收录), 2013, 709:   309-312.

[27] Wang GW*, Jiang YX, Zhang S, Zhu XL, Shan HH. Insight into the   Active Co Phase of Co/Al2O3 Catalyst for Ethane Dehydrogenation. Catalysis Letters (SCI三区, IF = 3.186), 2022,   10.1007/s10562-021-03883-3.

[28] Miao PP, Zhu XL, Zhou Z, Feng XP, Miao J, Hou CX, Li CY*. Combined   dealkylation and transalkylation reaction in FCC condition for efficient   conversion of light fraction light cycle oil into value-added products. Fuel (SCI一区, IF = 6.609), 2021,   304: 121356.

[29] Miao PP, Zhu XL, Guo YL, Miao J, Yu MY, Li CY*. Combined mild   hydrocracking and fluid catalytic cracking process for efficient conversion   of light cycle oil into high-quality gasoline. Fuel (SCI一区,   IF = 6.609), 2021, 292: 120364.

[30] Miao PP, Miao J, Guo YL, Lin CH,   Zhu XL, Li CY*. Efficient conversion of light cycle oil into gasoline with a   combined hydrogenation and catalytic cracking process: effect of   pre-distillation. Energy & Fuels (SCI三区, IF = 3.605), 2020, 34: 12505-12516.

[31] Wang GW, Zhu XL, Li CY*.   Recent progress in commercial and novel catalysts for catalytic   dehydrogenation of light alkanes. Chemical Record (SCI二区, IF =5.387), 2019,   doi: 10.1002/tcr.201900090.

[32] Geng Q, Zhu XL, Yang J, You   XH, Liu YB, Li CY*. Flow regime identification in a novel   circulating-turbulent fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI一区TOP, IF = 5.310),   2014, 244: 493-504.

[33] Wang GW, Zhu XL, Zhang JY,   Sun YN, Li CY*, Shan HH. Catalytic dehydrogenation of isobutane over Co-based   catalysts. RSC Advances (SCI三区, IF = 3.289), 2014, 4: 57071-57082.

[34] Geng Q, Zhu XL, Liu YX,   Liu YB, Li CY*, You XH. Gas-solid flow behavior and contact efficiency in a   circulating-turbulent fluidized bed. Powder Technology (SCI二区, IF = 2.759), 2013,   245: 134-145.

[35] Shi JL, Wang HF, Zhu XL,   Chen CM, Huang X, Zhang XD, Li BQ, Tang C, Zhang Q*. The nanostructure   preservation of 3D porous graphene: New insights into the graphitization and   surface chemistry of non-stacked double-layer templated graphene after   high-temperature treatment. Carbon (SCI一区TOP, IF = 6.198),   2016, 103: 36-44.

[36] Wang HF, Tang C, Zhu XL,   Zhang Q*. A 'point-line-point' hybrid electrocatalyst for bi-functional   catalysis of oxygen evolution and reduction reactions. Journal of   Materials Chemistry A (SCI一区TOP, IF = 8.262), 2016, 4: 3379-3385.

[37] Wang GW, Gao CC, Zhu XL, Sun   YN, Li CY*, Shan HH. Isobutane dehydrogenation over metal (Fe, Co, and Ni)   oxide and sulfide catalysts: reactivity and reaction mechanism. ChemCatChem (SCI二区, IF = 4.724), 2014,   6: 2305-2314.

[38] Wang GW, Wu WL, Zhu XL, Sun   YN, Li CY*, Shan HH. Effect of calcination temperature on isobutane   dehydrogenation over Mo/MgAl2O4 catalysts. Catalysis Communications (SCI三区, IF = 3.389), 2014,   56: 119-122.

[39] Tang C, Wang HF, Zhu XL, Li   BQ, Zhang Q*. Advances in hybrid electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution   reactions: Rational integration of NiFe layered double hydroxides and   nanocarbon. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization (SCI二区, IF = 4.367), 2016,   33: 473-486.

[40] Geng Q, Wang P, Zhu XL, You   XH, Li CY*. Flow dynamics and contact efficiency in a novel fast-turbulent   fluidized bed with ring-feeder internals. Particuology (SCI三区, IF = 2.280), 2015,   21: 203-211.

[41] Wang GW, Zhang HL, Zhu QQ, Zhu   XL, Li XY, Wang H, Li CY*, Shan HH.Sn-containing hexagonal mesoporous   silica (HMS) for catalytic dehydrogenation of propane: An efficient strategy   to enhance stability. Journal of Catalysis (SCI一区TOP, IF = 7.723),   2017, 351, 90-94.

[42] Zhu QQ, Wang GW*, Zhang HL, Zhu   XL, Li CY*. n-Butane dehydrogenation over Ni-Sn/SiO2:   Adsorption modes and reaction paths of n-butane and 1-butene. Applied   Catalysis A: General (SCI二区TOP, IF = 4.630), 566: 113-120.

[43] Zhu QQ, Zhang HL, Zhang S, Wang   GW*, Zhu XL, Li CY*. Dehydrogenation of isobutane over a Ni-P/SiO2 catalyst:   Effect of P addition. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (SCI二区TOP, IF = 3.375), 58:   7934-7943.

[44]Miao PP, Li K, Fan JT, Xu NW, Zhu   XL, Li CY*. Efficient ring-opening reaction of tetralin over nanosized   ZSM-5 zeolite: Effect of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio   and reaction condition. Energy & Fuels (SCI二区TOP, IF = 3.021),   2019, 33: 9480-9490.

[45] Li BQ, Tang C, Wang HF, Zhu XL,   Zhang Q*. An aqueous preoxidation method for monolithic perovskite   electrocatalysts with enhanced water oxidation performance. Science   Advances (SCI一区TOP,   IF = 12.804), 2016, 2: e1600495.

[46] Wang GW, Sun NN, Gao CC, Zhu XL,   Sun YN, Li CY*, Shan HH. Promoting mechanism of sulfur addition in catalytic   dehydrogenation of isobutane over Mo/MgAl2O4 catalysts. Applied   Catalysis A: General (SCI二区, IF = 4.012), 2014, 478: 71-80.




[1] 2018.11    荣获青岛西海岸新区高层次人才紧缺人才

[2] 2015.10    荣获山东省优秀博士学位论文

[3] 2013.12    荣获中国石油大学“学术十杰”




1. 指导研究生情况


2. 招生专业及要求



中国颗粒学会青年理事;Applied   Catalysis B: Environmental (SCI一区, IF = 19.503)Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI一区, IF = 13.273)Journal of Energy Chemistry (SCI一区, IF =   9.676)ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (SCI一区、9.229)Fuel (SCI一区,   IF = 6.609)Applied Catalysis A: General (SCI二区, IF = 5.706)Microporous and Mesoporous   Materials (SCI二区、IF = 5.455)Powder   Technology (SCI二区、IF = 5.134)Particuology (SCI二区、IF = 3.067)Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (SCI三区, IF = 3.720)Energy & Fuels (SCI三区, IF = 3.605)等国际期刊审稿人。



【作者:   审核:】